Edge Holding Developments Company is the result of merging two major companies in the real estate market: Prog Real Estate, with 12 years of experience, and Saudi Mashariq, with more than 38 years of experience. Through this merger, these two companies were able to elevate Edge Holding Developments to a secure position in the real estate industry, establishing a strong foundation for the company.

What has further distinguished the company and made it shine in the real estate market is its ability to deliver successful projects with unique and distinctive designs. These projects feature a modern global touch and are of high quality. They have built unwavering trust and confidence between the company and its customers in owning fully integrated units delivered on the promised schedule.

Information about Edge Holding Developments

Edge Holding Developments Company was founded in 2018. In this short period, it has managed to compete with major real estate companies and become a leading company in the real estate market. Its projects vary from residential to administrative and commercial developments.

These projects offer various features that make Edge Holding Developments the ideal choice for customers and investors seeking sustainable projects with the best quality and competitive prices. Some of these features include:

Features of Edge Holding Developments Company

  • Choosing unique and distinctive locations for its projects.
  • Providing a variety of units, including commercial, medical, and administrative, with multiple sizes.
  • Achieving the challenging equation by offering massive and distinctive projects at competitive prices while providing flexible payment systems.

Now, let's introduce you to the most prominent projects of Edge Holding Developments in the following lines.

Prominent Projects of Edge Holding Developments Company

Edge Holding's projects encompass residential, administrative, and commercial developments, all executed with international designs and high-quality finishes. They provide all the facilities customers may need in a sophisticated and integrated environment. Some of the company's standout projects include:

  • Oia Compound in the New Administrative Capital.
  • Sixty Business Park in the New Administrative Capital.
  • Oia Towers in the New Administrative Capital.
  • Oia Hub Mall in the New Administrative Capital.

With this, we've presented information about Edge Holding Developments Company, including some of its standout projects and the advantages of owning a unit in one of its projects. For more details about available units, prices, sizes, and finishes, please contact us.
